Saturday, March 12, 2016

Vitamin D shown to suppress Breast Cancer

Researchers at Stanford University have found that Vitamin D has the capability of suppressing breast tumor growth.

Mice that were deficient in vitamin D were more likely to have faster growing breast tumors and a higher incidence of Metastasis than mice with adequate vitamin D levels.

The study looked at vitamin D's ability to suppress the ID1 gene which is known to be involved in tumor growth and breast cancer metastasis.

Vitamin D is unique because it is one of two vitamins (the other being Vitamin A) that have access inside a cells nucleus. No other vitamins have this ability. That is because Vitamin D and Vitamin A are both powerful hormones.

The amazing thing about Vitamin D (and Vitamin A) is that it has the ability to effect gene expression. It actually has its own vitamin D receptors inside the nucleus where it can influence the expression or suppression of genes. This is great news because it shows us how we have control over our health. Don't let anyone tell you that your health is doomed because a disease is in your genes. We have a lot of control over whether a gene gets expressed or not.

Through diet, adequate sunshine, rest, exercise, proper oxygenation (slow deep breathing),
and controlling our thoughts, we have several points of control to help us maintain or regain our health.

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