Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Study Shows Fluoride Significantly Increases ADHD Rate

A new study showed that a 1% increase in fluoride levels in drinking water can result in 131,000 children developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The evidence has been piling up against fluoride. It is clear that fluoride is a neurotoxin and needs to be removed from our drinking water immediately.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Study: Spending time in Nature improves mental health

City dwelling has been associated with increased levels of mental illness. A new study showed that
taking a 90 minute walk through nature improved mental health.

In the study one group took a 90 minute walk through nature, while another walked through an urban environment.

Those who walked through nature had lower levels of rumination (negative thinking)

Take a hike through nature !!

Study: Antidepressant Paxil Can Make Teens Suicidal & is Not Effective

A New study that was published in the British Journal of Medicine showed an alarming rate of suicidal behavior in adolescents that took the SSRI Paxil (Paroxetine) while being about as effective as placebo.

The researchers concluded "Neither paroxetine nor high dose imipramine showed efficacy for major depression in adolescents, and there was an increase in harms with both drugs."

If it is not effective and causes suicidal behavior, why is it on the market?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Fun Way To Detoxify & Stimulate Your Immune System

Moving Your Lymphatic Fluid With A Rebounder

Our lymphatic system is like our immune system's circulatory system. This is how our immune cells travel. Unlike our circulatory system which uses our heart to pump the blood through it, our lymphatic system relies on our muscles to move lymphatic fluid around. If we are not using our muscles, jumping, moving around, exercising, our lymphatic fluid does not circulate well and our immune system can not function efficiently.

When we are moving our body and using our muscles to exercise the lymphatic fluid moves around allowing immune cells to get to bacteria and viruses faster, and helps flush out toxins from the body.

Using a rebounder is easy on the joints and is a fun way to achieve this.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Vitamin C has similar cardiovascular effects to exercise

Researchers from the University of Colorado, Boulder found that a daily intake of 500 mg of Vitamin C improved blood vessel function in overweight and obese adults.

They had one group take 500mg of vitamin C daily, while the other group performed daily aerobic exercises. The group that took vitamin c showed similar cardiovascular effects as walking exercise did in this population.

Now ask yourself why government recommendations only suggest 40 mg of vitamin C per day when thousands of studies show remarkable benefits with doses around 1,000mg per day?

My preferred way to take vitamin c is ascorbic acid in powdered form. It is the cheapest way
of getting vitamin c and will last you a long time. I like to mix it in smoothies and put it in water sipping it slowly. I like taking 1,000mg 3x/day

Camu powder is also my favorite. It contains more vitamin c than any food that I know of. It is more expensive than plain ascorbic acid but comes with all the cofactors and bioflavonoids.