Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sugar fuels cancer cells

A new study published in the Journal Cancer Research reinforces past research that sugar increases the risk of cancer. In this study fructose was the sugar specifically identified to cause lung metastasis and breast tumors.

Here is my take on sugar and cancer.

Cancer cells are cells that have been deprived of oxygen and nutrients for a long time and thus can not produce energy or detoxify themselves. This results in cells that are sitting in a toxic cesspool.

These factors make cancer cells steal and scavenge all the sugar and nutrients that they can get from the body.

Sugar is fast burning fuel. It has the ability to make cells grow at a fast rate. Cancer cells are cells that are growing out of control and a high sugar diet is one of the factors that influences their growth.

I recommend limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, pasta, grains, bread), and staying close to zero tolerance for table sugar, fruit juices, sodas, and processed foods.

I also recommend limiting your fruit intake to 2 servings of fruits per day, while increasing your vegetable intake substantially.

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