Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We Are Making Changes

A wave of good news is sweeping the health community.
This week Chipotle announced that they will use mostly NON GMO ingredients in their food. It is remarkable that a fast food chain was able to do this. They realized that in order to separate themselves from the competition and gain the trust and respect of young health conscious people they would have to step their game up.
While Chipotle announced this we also heard news of McDonald's losing revenue and closing hundreds of stores !! 
Due to the power of the internet people have been able to obtain information that was not available to them in the past. Corporations with the help of bought off media outlets were able to conceal information and mislead the masses. Times have changed. They are not able to cover up information like they used to. Thanks to online activists (Food Babe), alternative media (natural news, Infowars), and social network sites (Facebook, twitter) real information is getting out to the people.
If this wasn't exciting enough there are 2 more breakthroughs.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer ( a branch of the World Health Organization)
just declared that glyphosate (the most commonly used herbicide in the world) is probably carcinogenic to humans.  This is a huge announcement because GMO crops are sprayed with tons of glyphosates because they are resistant to them. This is done so that weeds around them die. So when you eat GMO food you are eating residues of chemicals that are probably carcinogenic.

The next big announcement this week was by the Department of Health and Human Services which recommended lowering the fluoride levels in drinking water by almost 50%.

Although I am not satisfied until fluoride is completely removed from our drinking water, this is a step in the right direction.

We must continue to voice our opinions, share information, get involved in our community, and most importantly vote with our dollars !!

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