Saturday, March 7, 2015

How Carbohydrates Raise Cholesterol Levels

Most people know that the hormone insulin is involved in the regulation of blood sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate or sugar, insulin is secreted from the pancreas into the blood stream in order to store the extra sugar into the muscles and liver.

What many people don't know is that insulin is actually a growth hormone. It is involved in building the body. The problem with eating too many carbohydrates is that the body gets fooled into thinking
it should be building.

Building means creating new cells.

One of the components that is needed to make new cells is cholesterol !!

Cholesterol is needed for the creation of every cell membrane.

Insulin is also turned on during growth phases. Babies, teenagers, pregnant women, and people who exercise all benefit from the growth hormone insulin. Insulin turns on the enzyme in the liver that produces cholesterol so that more cells can be made.

So the most effective strategy to naturally lower your cholesterol levels without using toxic pharmaceutical drugs is to reduce your intake of insulin activating foods.

All refined carbohydrates should be dramatically reduced. Bread, pasta, grains, potatoes, sweetened drinks, and even fruits and fruit juices.

Fruits have many beneficial components but we have to be careful not to eat too many of them.
Have a half a banana instead of a whole one, a slice of pineapple instead of half an entire pineapple.

We should be getting most of our carbohydrates from vegetables which contain complex carbohydrates.

P.S Eating cholesterol containing foods will not effect your blood cholesterol, so you can still eat cholesterol :) In fact you should go out of your way to eat cholesterol because it is one of the most building nutrients that you can eat !!

I have mentioned in a previous post that cholesterol does not cause heart disease, but high levels of cholesterol can be indicative of bad blood sugar regulation (in people other than babies, teenagers, pregnant woman, and people who exercise). So stabilizing your blood sugar is important in order to prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other conditions.

This blog is for educational purposes only. Nothing written here is meant to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been approved by the FDA

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