Friday, August 26, 2016

Music Helps Alleviate Symptoms And Treatment Side Effects

 A Systematic review of 52 studies on music therapy showed that music had a beneficial effect on anxiety, pain, fatigue, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure in cancer patients.

Some of these individual studies suggested that listening to music may reduce the need for anesthetics (drugs that cause a loss of sensation) and analgesics (pain meds) as well as decrease recovery time and duration of hospitalization.

 The study's authors concluded that "music interventions may have beneficial effects on anxiety,
pain, fatigue and quality of life in people with cancer"

The reason music can have an effect on so many different health issues is because it activates the relaxation response and deactivates the stress response.

When the relaxation response is activated our heart rate will drop, our breathing will slow down, our blood pressure will be reduced, our anxiety will go away, and our pain will be reduced or eliminated (calming the body down can reduce or shut off inflammation therefore reducing or shutting off pain)

 Incorporating music into our lives in one of many natural health strategies we can utilize to help
us relax and calm our bodies down when we are going through health issues or a health crisis.

* the music that was used in these studies was soft classical music. Fast paced and aggressive music will have an opposite effect !!!;jsessionid=ECAAD5F0228DB1DC3C6573ED2FD8EA21.f03t02?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+will+be+unavailable+on+Saturday+3rd+September+2016+at+08.30+BST%2F+03%3A30+EDT%2F+15%3A30+SGT+for+5+hours+and+Sunday+4th+September+at+10%3A00+BST%2F+05%3A00+EST%2F+17%3A00+SGT+for+1+hour++for+essential+maintenance.+Apologies+for+the+inconvenience

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