Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I Bet You Didn't Know That This Could Raise Your Blood Pressure

A study that was published in the Journal of The American Heart Association showed that BPA Can Raise your blood pressure significantly.
What is BPA? BPA is an acronym for Bisphenol A, a chemical that acts like estrogen. It is found in plastic containers, bottles, food wrap, bags, non stick cook wear, receipt paper, and canned food.
The researchers found out that drinking just 2 canned beverages was enough to raise blood pressure by approximately 5 mmHg !! This can be dangerous because it can take some people over the safe range.
The reason why BPA can raise your blood pressure is because it has chemicals that mimic estrogen.
Most people know that estrogen is primarily a "female hormone", but one of it's main roles is as a stress hormone (for both men & women). It can be produced by the adrenal glands during stressful situations (whether real or perceived) When the body is under fight or flight mode one of the generic responses is that blood pressure will get elevated to prepare you to fight or flight.

It is best to avoid all products that contain BPA.
To learn more about products that contain BPA click here


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